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CoolSculpting® in Snellville, GA

Is CoolSculpting® Right for Me?

Do you live in Snellville, Dacula, Lawrenceville, Loganville, Sugar Hill, Hamilton Mill, or surrounding cities in Georgia and want to learn more about CoolSculpting® near you? At About Face Skin Care, led by Dr. Thompson, our staff is committed to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals. Our team is composed of CoolSculpting certified personnel to guarantee your best results.

What Is CoolSculpting®?

CoolSculpting® is the #1, FDA-cleared, non-invasive fat reduction treatment in the world! The unique CoolSculpting® fat-freezing technology is a non-surgical, scientifically proven way to reduce pockets of fat in troublesome areas. Fat cells are more sensitive to cold than other tissues in the body. When fat cells are isolated and frozen through the controlled cooling of CoolSculpting®, they die and are permanently eliminated by the body. As an adult, you cannot grow new fat cells, so any fat cells that are killed through CoolSculpting® are eliminated by the body and are permanently gone!

What is CoolSculpting® Elite?

About Face Skin Care is proud to offer traditional CoolSculpting® as well as the advanced CoolSculpting® Elite system. CoolSculpting® Elite targets twice the amount of fat in the same amount of time as a CoolSculpting® treatment. The system is designed with two applicators that apply freezing energy to the fat cells. The cooling technology breaks down the membrane of the fat cells. This process releases the stored triglycerides inside the fat cell into your bloodstream. Your body uses the triglycerides for energy, or it is eliminated from the body through natural processes.


Why Choose About Face Skin Care for CoolSculpting®?


How Does CoolSculpting® Work?

Coolsculpting® uses controlled cooling to target and eliminate fat cells underneath the skin. During the procedure, a device is placed on the area being treated, such as the abdomen or thighs. This device uses vacuum pressure to draw in and pinch the fat underneath the skin. Then it cools the fat to freezing temperatures. The cold temperatures cause the fat cells to crystalize and die off. Over the next few weeks and months, the dead fat cells are naturally


How Does CoolSculpting® Work?

Coolsculpting® uses controlled cooling to target and eliminate fat cells underneath the skin. During the procedure, a device is placed on the area being treated, such as the abdomen or thighs. This device uses vacuum pressure to draw in and pinch the fat underneath the skin. Then it cools the fat to freezing temperatures. The cold temperatures cause the fat cells to crystalize and die off. Over the next few weeks and months, the dead fat cells are naturally eliminated from the body. They get processed by the liver and excreted out. This results in a reduction of fat in the treated area, producing a slimmer contour.

What is the Difference Between CoolSculpting® and CoolSculpting® Elite?

The primary difference between CoolSculpting® and CoolSculpting® Elite is the design of the applicator. CoolSculpting® has one applicator, and CoolSculpting® Elite has two applicators. You can achieve the same results with CoolSculpting® Elite, but in about half the time as a CoolSculpting® treatment with one applicator. Both systems use the same freezing technology to reduce fat cells. Both can be used to target areas that include:

• Bra line • Chin. • Jawline. • Abdomen • Thighs • Flanks • Back • Buttocks • Upper Arms

Why Choose Chrissy Thomas, RN, BSN?

Owner, Chrissy Thomas, RN, BSN, has worked in the field of anti-aging since 1996.  Chrissy started her journey in plastic surgery as a charge nurse at Egleston Children’s Hospital (now Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta) and moved on to be the director of adult plastic surgery and director of skin services for Plastic Surgery Consultants in Atlanta.  Chrissy has owned and operated About Face Skin Care since March 2002.  She has earned the title of Master Level Cosmetic Injector and Senior Laser Specialist.

Call 770-629-9362 Today
To Schedule Your Consultation!

Questions For Your Consult

What are the Benefits of CoolSculpting®?

    • Non-invasive, with no surgery or incisions required
    • Comfortable treatment with no anesthesia needed
    • Little to no downtime
    • Natural looking results
    • Long-lasting results
    • FDA cleared
    • Convenient treatment that takes less than 1 hour
    • Customizable to satisfy the goals of each patient

How Much Fat Does CoolSculpting® Remove?

Studies show that a single CoolSculpting® treatment session can remove up to 20% to 25% of fat cells in a given treatment area. However, it’s important to keep in mind that these results will develop gradually in the weeks and months following treatment. Additionally, some patients may require multiple treatment sessions for best results.

What Can I Expect During the CoolSculpting® Consultation?

CoolSculpting® consultations begin with a full-body evaluation. This is when we’ll determine your candidacy for the CoolSculpting® treatment, and develop your personalized treatment plan. Then, we’ll take comprehensive pictures so you can track your results as you progress through your CoolSculpting® treatment plan. Afterwards, you’ll be ready to progress with your treatment sessions.

How Much Does CoolSculpting® Cost?

CoolSculpting® costs vary depending on multiple factors. These include the location and size of the body region you’d like to target and the number of sessions necessary to help you achieve your desired results. To discuss pricing, we recommend that you schedule a one-on-one consultation with one of our providers. We can also answer any questions and address any concerns you might have. We offer a number of financing options to help patients make their CoolSculpting® treatments as affordable as possible.

How Many CoolSculpting® Treatments Will I Need?

On average, most patients require 2-4 CoolSculpting® sessions per treatment area, which are performed several weeks apart. However, the number of treatment sessions will vary depending on the size of the treatment area, the number of areas being treated, and the amount of fat reduction desired. Furthermore, the CoolSculpting® Elite system may be used to reduce the number of treatment sessions needed. In any case, we’ll help you determine the optimal number of CoolSculpting® treatment sessions that are necessary during your consultation.

Are You a Candidate For CoolSculpting®?

CoolSculpting® is great for individuals who have noticeable bulges of fat in localized areas that they’d like to remove like the stomach, love handles, or other regions. It is also great if you’ve already tried to remove this fat through diet and exercise with little success. Additionally, if you suffer from cryoglobulinemia or paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria, CoolSculpting® is not recommended for you. During your initial consultation, our licensed experts will perform an in-depth assessment to determine if you are a good candidate for CoolSculpting®.

If you think you might be a good candidate for CoolSculpting®, the next step is to schedule your consultation at About Face Skin Care. During your consultation, we’ll evaluate your cosmetic goals and develop a personalized CoolSculpting® treatment plan. This is a great time to ask any questions you may have about the CoolSculpting® treatment.

What is the CoolSculpting® Treatment Like?

What Happens During a CoolSculpting® Treatment?

CoolSculpting® treatments begin with selecting the CoolSculpting® applicators that are best suited for your needs. We have different sizes and shapes of applicators to ensure optimal results across various treatment areas. Once the applicators are selected, they’ll be placed onto the appropriate treatment areas and the CoolSculpting® system will be turned on. You’ll immediately feel suction and cooling sensations from the applicators. This may be momentarily uncomfortable, but the treatment area typically goes numb within a few minutes. The treatment cycle takes only 35 minutes, during which time you’re free to relax, read, watch tv, or even take a nap.

What Does CoolSculpting® Feel Like?

As the treatment begins, the treatment area will feel very cold. This cold feeling will intensify over the first 5-10 minutes. Some describe it as a stinging or aching cold sensation. As the area becomes more deeply cooled, it will start to feel numb rather than cold. The skin surface may feel rigid and firm. You may feel tugging, pulling, or pressure as the applicator works to cool the fat. In the last 5 minutes, the area may feel intensely cold again as the cooling is concentrated on final fat reduction.

What is CoolSculpting® Recovery Like?

Is There Any Downtime After CoolSculpting®?

CoolSculpting® has essentially no downtime or recovery period. You can return to your normal daily activities immediately after treatment. You might notice some mild side effects, including redness, swelling, numbness, or discomfort, among other symptoms, which will typically resolve within a few hours after treatment.

How Long to See CoolSculpting® Results?

The results from CoolSculpting® will develop gradually over time, especially as additional treatment sessions are completed. A general timeline for your CoolSculpting results may look like this:

Immediately After Treatment

The treated area may look somewhat swollen and feel numb. You may see some redness, bruising, or minor pain as well. This resolves within a few days.

2-4 Weeks After Treatment

The treated area will appear normal but subtle changes may begin as the fat cells start to clear from your system. You may experience some mild cramping or soreness during this time.

6 Weeks After Treatment

At this point, about 20-40% of the fat reduction results will be visible. You should notice a reduction in bulges, slimmer contours, and clothes fitting looser.

3 Months After Treatment

Most patients see the final, full results take shape at the 3 month mark. The area will appear noticeably more toned and shaped if treated properly.

6 Months After Treatment

The treated area should remain relatively stable from the 3 to 6 month point. Your final improvement is cementing and the skin continues to adapt to your new contours.

CoolSculpting® Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does CoolSculpting® Last?

The fat cell reduction results from CoolSculpting® are permanent. Once the treated fat cells are crystallized and eliminated from the body, they do not return. However, CoolSculpting® does not prevent future weight gain. The remaining untreated fat cells can still expand in size if a patient gains weight in the future. For this reason, maintaining healthy eating habits and exercise is important for long lasting results.

How Often Can You Do CoolSculpting®?

We generally recommend waiting at least 45-60 days between treatments in the same area. This allows the body enough recovery time and for the full effects of the previous session to become visible. It's not recommended to treat the same area more frequently than every 6-8 weeks. Doing sessions too close together likely won't provide much additional benefit. However, these guidelines do vary slightly by treatment area. You can expect the following recommendations based on the treatment area:

    • Abdomen - Treat every 2-3 months. Total of 2-4 treatments.
    • Flanks - Treat every 6-8 weeks. Total of 2-3 treatments.
    • Back fat - Treat every 8 weeks. Total of 2-3 treatments.
    • Thighs - Treat every 10-12 weeks. Total of 2-4 treatments.
    • Arms - Treat every 8-12 weeks. Total of 1-2 treatments.
    • Chin - Treat every 45-60 days. Total of 1-2 treatments.

How Much Weight Can You Lose with CoolSculpting®?

CoolSculpting® is not a weight loss treatment, but rather a method of targeted fat reduction and body contouring. The amount of fat reduced with CoolSculpting® varies from patient to patient based on factors like the number of applicators used and the number of sessions undergone. On average, each CoolSculpting® treatment session can reduce the fat layer in a treated area by about 20-25%. For most patients, this means approximately 1 to 5 pounds of fat in a given treatment area.

How to Speed Up CoolSculpting® Results?

After receiving CoolSculpting® treatments, you can help optimize and accelerate your results by leading a healthy lifestyle focused on diet, exercise, and self-care. Staying hydrated by drinking at least 64 ounces of water per day will help flush out the broken down fat cells from your system faster. Remain patient though, as it still takes 2-3 months to fully visualize the contours and fat reduction from your CoolSculpting treatments. Avoid any extreme or unsafe methods just to expedite results. Trust the process and your body’s natural timeline.

If you’re interested in CoolSculpting® treatments at About Face Skin Care, contact us today to schedule your initial consultation and allow us to develop your personalized treatment plan. With locations in Snellville and Dacula, we welcome patients from Lawrenceville, Loganville, Sugar Hill, Hamilton Mill, and the surrounding cities of Georgia.

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