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Liquid Facelift Procedure in Snellville, GA

Are you interested in Liquid Facelift near you? Are you unsure if you’re a candidate for the procedure? At About Face Skin Care, led by Dr. Hupman, we serve patients in Snellville, Dacula, Lawrenceville, Loganville, Sugar Hill, Hamilton Mill, or surrounding cities in Georgia. We look forward to helping you reach your goals with treatment appropriate for you. Our highly qualified team is dedicated to making you feel comfortable and confident.

What is a Liquid Facelift?

Liquid Facelift Procedure in Snellville, GALiquid facelift is a procedure that uses injectable dermal fillers, similar to other procedures like Juvederm® or Kybella®, that also uses Botox® to revitalize your skin. These fillers help restore your skin’s volume and can simultaneously fill in small lines or wrinkles, leading to a younger appearance.

How Much Does a Liquid Facelift Cost?

Liquid facelift costs vary from person to person. It can depend on the filler(s) used to the number of treatment sessions necessary to help you reach your goals. To discuss pricing, schedule an individual consultation, and our staff will also help answer questions you may have about the procedure.

Am I a Candidate for a Liquid Facelift?

Liquid facelift is a great option for adult men and women, although it is more commonly done in women who are looking for a non-surgical option to rejuvenate their skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles or related skin lines. It can be used any area of the body you’d like to see these results in, and it is most commonly used in various areas of the face or to treat different conditions like jowls.

How is a Liquid Facelift Performed?

Liquid facelift first starts with the use of a numbing agent applied by Master Level Cosmetic Injectors. This is applied or injected in order to minimize discomfort, and then the filler(s) are injected into the desired areas using a small needle.

What is Recovery Like After a Liquid Facelift?

Liquid facelift is a safe and effective option for those who don’t necessarily want to undergo surgery or similar extensive methods. You can go home after treatment, but you will notice some bruising and swelling to the treated areas which will typically go away after a few days.

How Long Will My Liquid Facelift Results Last?

Liquid facelift results typically last for a few months, but this can vary depending on the different fillers that are used. Although one session may provide great results, subsequent treatments might be recommended for longer-lasting results.

If you’re interested in Liquid Facelift, schedule a one-on-one consultation with one of our providers at About Face Skin Care. We serve patients who live in Snellville, Dacula, Lawrenceville, Loganville, Sugar Hill, Hamilton Mill, or surrounding cities in Georgia.

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