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IPL Photofacial Treatment in Snellville, GA

Do you live in Snellville, Dacula, Lawrenceville, Loganville, Sugar Hill, Hamilton Mill, or surrounding cities in Georgia and are considering IPL Photofacial (LumeccaTM)? If so, here at About Face Skin Care, we offer numerous different procedures and treatments to help you achieve your various goals.

What is IPL Photofacial?

IPL Photofacial Treatment in Snellville, GAThe IPL photofacial, sometimes called the IPL photo facial treatment, is a treatment that utilizes intense pulsed light (IPL) to treat various skin conditions, including pigmented and vascular lesions. For patients with these conditions, you will notice clearer and better skin. The device delivers light uniformly to the targeted areas, reducing the appearance of different blemishes, including acne, and improving the appearance of your skin.

How Much Does IPL Photofacial Cost?

IPL Photofacial costs can vary depending on your unique needs and goals. To discuss pricing and address any questions or concerns you might have about the procedure, schedule a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Hupman or one of our friendly staff at About Face Skin Care today .

Am I a Candidate for IPL Photofacial?

IPL Photofacial is an option that can be safely used on adult men and women of all skin types and tones. It can be used on all areas of the body safely and effectively.

How Is IPL Photofacial Performed?

IPL Photofacial delivers the bright intensified light to target areas of your skin. This light causes the treated areas to initially darken, and once these areas naturally peel off, you will notice more balanced skin tone and leads to healthier and more youthful skin.

What Is Recovery Like After IPL Photofacial?

Following an IPL Photofacial session, you might notice some redness and swelling to the treated areas which will resolve after an hour. You might notice the treated pigmented spots get darker over the first 24-48 hours after treatment; this will resolve as the skin naturally heals, and you will notice the pigmented lesions flake off. You can return home after treatment and resume your daily routine. It is recommended that you avoid sunlight over the next few days as your skin heals to speed up recovery.

How Long Will My IPL Photofacial Results Last?

Your individual response and results after IPL Photofacial treatment can vary. Even so, these results typically last for many years as long as you are taking care of your skin properly. If you have a large area of skin that you’d like to treat, we might recommend splitting treatment into multiple sessions in order to ensure that you achieve the desired results.

If you live in Snellville, Dacula, Lawrenceville, Loganville, Sugar Hill, Hamilton Mill, or surrounding cities in Georgia and want to receive IPL Photofacial (LumeccaTM) treatment, reach out to us at About Face Skin Care to schedule your individualized consultation today.

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