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CoolSculpting® in Snellville, GA

Do you live in Snellville, Dacula, Lawrenceville, Loganville, Sugar Hill, Hamilton Mill, or surrounding cities in Georgia and want to learn more about CoolSculpting® near you? At About Face Skin, led by Dr. Thompson, our staff is committed to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals. Our team is comprised of CoolSculpting certified personnel to guarantee your best results.

About Face Skin Care

What Is CoolSculpting®?

CoolSculpting® in Snellville, GACoolSculpting® is the # 1, FDA-Cleared, Non-Invasive Fat Reduction Treatment in the World! The unique CoolSculpting® fat-freezing technology is a non-surgical, scientifically proven way to reduce pockets of fat in troublesome areas. Fat cells are more sensitive to cold than other tissues in the body. When fats cells are isolated and frozen through the controlled cooling of CoolSculpting®, they die and are permanently eliminated by the body. As an adult, you cannot grow new fat cells, so any fat cells that are killed through CoolSculpting® are eliminated by the body and are permanently gone!

Do you Guarantee Results?

About Face Skin Care has such confidence in the CoolSculpting® results provided by our licensed experts that we offer a re-treatment guarantee.  We are the only provider in the area that offers this guarantee.  At the 4-month mark after your last treatment, if you have not gained more than 3 pounds and we do not see a visible reduction in the targeted fat layer, we will provide an additional treatment to that area at no cost to you.   You have nothing to lose except for those troublesome pockets of fat that are often resistant to diet and exercise!

What Areas Can I Reduce Fat with CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting® is FDA-cleared to treat 9 different areas of the body:  abdomen, thighs, flanks, visible bulges under the chin and jawline areas, along with bra fat, underneath the buttocks and upper arms.

How Much Does CoolSculpting®Cost?

CoolSculpting® costs vary depending on multiple factors. These include the location and size of the body region you’d like to target and the number of sessions necessary to help you achieve your desired results. To discuss pricing, we recommend that you schedule a one-on-one consultation with one of our providers. We can also answer any questions and address any concerns you might have.

Am I a Candidate for CoolSculpting®?

CoolSculpting® is great for individuals who have noticeable bulges of fat in localized areas that they’d like to remove like the stomach, love handles, or other regions. It is also great if you’ve already tried to remove this fat through diet and exercise with little success. Additionally, if you suffer from cryoglobulinemia or paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria, CoolSculpting® is not recommended for you. During your initial consultation, our licensed experts will perform an in-depth assessment to determine if you are a good candidate for CoolSculpting.

How Is CoolSculpting® Performed?

CoolSculpting® utilizes a patented technology that is designed to reach the temperatures necessary to specifically target fat. The machine is then used to target specific regions where you’d like to remove the fat. Once the fat cells are frozen, the contents of these dead cells are removed from your body. Procedures are performed by CoolSculpting certified team members.

What Is Recovery Like After CoolSculpting®?

CoolSculpting® has essentially no recovery time. You can return to your normal daily activities immediately after treatment. You might notice some mild side effects, including redness, swelling, numbness, or discomfort, among other symptoms, which will typically resolve within a few hours after treatment.

How Long Will My CoolSculpting® Results Last?

CoolSculpting® results vary from individual to individual. You might notice changes in as little as three weeks, which will continue over the course of several months. Multiple treatment sessions might be necessary to help you achieve your desired results. CoolSculpting® results can be maintained even longer when used with a proper fitness and nutrition regimen.

Do you live in Snellville, Dacula, Lawrenceville, Loganville, Sugar Hill, Hamilton Mill, or surrounding cities in Georgia and think CoolSculpting® is right for you? Call us at About Face Skin Care today to schedule your one-on-one consultation to discuss the treatment and procedures options best recommended for you.

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